Living on Purpose
Pastor Paul began the December sermon series: “Living on Purpose”. He started asking us about what our purpose and calling is and what season we are in right now. God has a great plan for us. God does not deal with age but with purpose and purpose precedes existence, meaning that before you existed, God has a purpose for you. Every one of us is appointed for greatness. Approaching the new year 2025 we need to understand the importance of pursuing God’s purpose in life, embracing life’s seasons and personal relationship with Jesus. Stay faithful and confident in the midst of change. The will of God has already been written and is waiting to be discovered.
Our main ministry, purpose, and calling is the ministry of reconciliation. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 (GW), “God has restored our relationship with him through Christ, and has given us this ministry of restoring relationships. In other words, God was using Christ to restore his relationship with humanity. He didn’t hold people’s faults against them, and he has given us this message of restored relationships to tell others."
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you have a ministry of reconciliation. It is your job to go out in society and say, “God’s done everything to put you back in fellowship with him. You don’t have to be his enemy. He’s not mad at you; he’s mad about you. Be reconciled to God. Be at peace with God. Then spread that peace with everybody else.”
Your ministry of reconciliation starts in your own relationships, as you look to God for His grace and courage to extend it to others.
Week 1: Understanding God’s Purpose and Seasons in Life
Jesus, when He came to earth knew exactly His purpose. (Luke 4:43)
When you know your purpose in life, no challenge, trouble, or shaking can deter you from God’s plan. (John 12:27)
God has determined your purpose; your response is your decision. (Acts 2:23)
The importance of understanding the times and seasons in pursuit of God.
It is God’s desire for you to fulfill His purpose in your life. (Psalm 20:3-5)
Pray to show us what our purpose is in our everyday life and lead us each day as we follow Him step-by-step walking in our purpose.
Pray to be forgiven for the times that we create our own plan and do not seek His plan for our lives.
Pray that we walk with His blessings and favor and in His purpose in our lives to keep us safe and away from harm.
Pray for the Lord to teach us how we can embrace each season we are in, as it is all a part of our purpose and also teach us how to embrace our purpose even if what we see does not look or feel good in the moment.
Pray to trust that He has a plan, and He will turn even the difficult seasons into good. Even if we cannot see His final purpose right now, we ask that God uses us every day to live out our purpose by walking closely to Him and showing the world just how good He is.
Tell the Lord that we love Him, and we know He has a plan that is greater than our plan. He is a good Father with a purpose for our lives.
Week 2: Finding and Pursuing God’s Purpose
God does not deal with age, but with purpose (see the life of Joseph, Ruth, David, Esther, Daniel)
Do not just live by your age bracket, live on purpose.
Jesus gave His life for us at the age of 33½.
Finding purpose through relationship with Jesus.
Understanding God’s purpose and timing in using people.
Pray for God to give us a fresh vision for His purpose for our lives.
Pray for God to open our eyes, ears, hearts and minds to His vision so that we can live out our purpose.
Pray for God to remove anything from our lives that hinders us from discerning His vision.
Pray for God to draw us closer to Him as He brings us revelation to our purpose.
Pray for God to reveal to us what we need to do and to not run wild but rather be focused on His divine vision.
Pray for God to empower us to make the spiritual and personal transformation needed to prepare to walk in our calling, and to move forward in what we are ready to do.
Week 3: Living on Purpose
Living on purpose is living by God’s assignment. (Genesis 50:20)
“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
Living on purpose is living with joy. (Acts 11:23, AMP)
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
Pray to let go of control and trust that God will work everything for good.
Pray to do everything we do to glorify Him, not ourselves.
Pray to show others more of Christ and less of us.
Read God’s Word more and pay attention to the gifts and talents He has given us.
Pray for clarity, direction, wisdom, and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Pray to find joy in the Lord and give thanks in everything knowing that God loves us and that He sent Jesus to save us from sin and death.
Week 4: Living with Intention
Remember, rehearse, and hold on to God’s promises in your life.
Wage war with the prophetic words given to you. (1 Timothy 1:18)
Know your calling, pursue, and run with purpose in your life. Do not look at somebody else’s race.
Purpose precedes existence. (Jeremiah 1:4-5)
Understand the urgency of living on purpose.
Deepen your relationship with God. Regularly spend time in prayer and reading the Bible to listen for God’s guidance and discern your calling.
Pray persistently and look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith and to never give up and keep moving forward.
Pray for the Lord to reveal to us the depths of His plans for our lives that existed before we were born.
Declare God’s promises over your life and hold tightly without wavering to the hope you affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promises (Hebrew 10:23).
Pray and ask the Lord what you are passionate about, what unique gifts and talents God has entrusted to you to fulfill His will.
Pray for God to give you the courage to step into the calling He has promised for our lives.
Pray to help us overcome any fear or doubt that might hinder us from fully embracing the purpose God has ordained for us.
Believe that God will show you the next step and walk it out in faith.