7 Mission Fields

(This Weekly Prayer Summary was written by Lisa Ang, assistant director of the CBC English Prayer Ministry, and edited by Brigitta Tedja)

Watch full sermon here  

Pastor Paul continued his preaching from last week regarding the Ekklesia. He reminded us again that many people are busy from doing Church instead of being the Church. He shared about obtaining a new large-printed Bible and shared a quote from former Vice-President Mike Pence: 

“A Bible worn out is a sign of a life that’s not.” - Mike Pence 

Recently, there have been many events and many shakings happening in the world: 

    • Shinzo Abe, Japan’s former prime minister was assassinated last week.

    • Last week, the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned.

    • Global food crisis.

    • Inflation and news of potential recession.

Anything that can be shaken will be shaken. In the book of Hebrews, it states that the time will come that God will not only shake the earth but also the heavens. The shaking is not for the annihilation of everything but to reveal what needs to be exposed. God is doing a lot of shaking and there are so many interruptions in the nations, and even in our personal lives. Could it be possible that the interruptions, the shakings you are experiencing right now, is a divine interweaving so that it becomes an open door for you to experience the miracles for the living God? When you read the New Testament, 8 out of 10 miracles came out of interruptions and were unplanned. For example, the woman with the issue of blood interrupted Jairus’ request for Jesus to heal his daughter.

Pastor Paul continues with last week’s sermon on “Be the Church.” Please listen to last’s weeks sermon found in our archives to review the 10 contrasts of Ekklesia versus the modern-day congregation. Jesus said that He will build the Church and declared that the gates of hell cannot prevail against it.

Contrast between Ekklesia and Modern Congregation Assembly

Seven Mountains of Society 

The seven mountains are also called the seven mind-molders of society. All around the world, every tribe, people’s minds are molded by the seven mountains of society or it is also called the seven spheres of influence. Pastor Paul shared about receiving “The Grand Vision” from God.  

God spoke to these two leaders, Lawrence Cunningham, president of YWAM and Bill Bright, president of Campus Crusade for Christ regarding the seven mountains/spheres of influence.  

“In the beginning the church was a fellowship of men and women centering on the living Christ. Then the church moved to Greece where it became a philosophy. Then it moved to Rome where it became an institution. Next, it moved to Europe, where it became a culture. And, finally, it moved to America where it became an enterprise.” ~ Dr. Richard Halverson, a former Chaplain of the US Senate.  

Matthew 16:18 (NKJV) 

“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” 

God’s original plan for His Church was for it to be Ekklesia. Church should become the influencer, a blessing, an agent of change, the game changer, that even the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. We are already in the mission fields whether we realize it or not. The seven mountains are also mission fields. Pastor teaches to provide us with instructions and to equip us. 

Seven mountains of influence that shaped our mindset or our way of thinking: 

1. Strong FAMILIES

City Blessing Church always tries to equip families from the children, parents, men, women, etc. God is very much willing to equip us in every aspect of our lives.

2. Victorious CHURCH (RELIGION)

Church is not a building. It is us! We need to be equipped so we can become victorious.


We need to be equipped so we are not ignorant because everything the politicians decide will affect us.

4. Biblical EDUCATION

Education molds the way we think. Children’s education is the responsibility of the parents. God gave parents the manual/instructions to raise their children. It is called the Bible.

5. Excellence in BUSINESS

Being involved in the marketplace/workplace will also influence how we think.

6. Positive influence in MEDIA

Media affects the way we think. What news channel do we watch? Whichever newsfeed we read or listen to will affect our way of thinking.


Arts and entertainment definitely shape our mindset. It is a way to dialogue with the current culture right now.

Aside from the above 7 mountains, there is one mountain that is above all of them; the one mountain that cannot be shaken, which is the Word of God. It is eternal and it does not change.

Isaiah 2:2, NKJV

"Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it.”

How Can We Get Involved in the 7 Mountains?

How do we become the salt and light so that the nations can flow to the mountain of God? In order to be involved in the 7 mountains, we need to pray, be led by the Holy Spirit, and operate in the giftings of the Holy Spirit. We need to utilize this tactic in every mountain and in every field but we do not have enough of us operating supernaturally. Some Christians backslide or become lukewarm because they are bored. Is that you? You are not supposed to be bored. If you are bored, you are losing the battle. We must engage in the 7 mountains of influence by activating the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The gift of Holy Spirit should make things interesting and not boring. If we are bored, then we are not engaged. You are not born with a purpose; you ARE on purpose!

Pastor went on to share about the first time he met with the President back in 1995, a friend who worked at the World Bank stated that Pastor would meet with a group of 300. The world is ruled by only 300 people (the presidents, vice presidents, prime ministers, etc.). These world leaders hold the gates. In the Old Testament, the gate is where the city elders meet and make rules and decide on important decisions. About 3% of the gate-keepers control 97% of the people. There is a similar composition happening with the Church with only 3% of the clergies as full-time ministers, while 97% are not in full-time ministries. Just because you are not full-timers does not mean you are second-class citizens. We need you and you need us. You go to the 7 mountains because the pastors cannot go with you there.

Just because there is a religion mountain, it does not mean the Church should just stay in one mountain. God needs people to go to the other mountains as well. Church is where we are being equipped. The anointing is for the assignment out there. Once you are equipped, go to the other mountains and BE THE CHURCH!

Mark 16:15
“And Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”

The Great Commission commands us to go into all the world. The original language for world is cosmos, system, order. It is not just for us to go to different places geographically, but the assignment for us is to go far and near, whatever you do and wherever you are, influence the world—influence the system. There are times we can move in the gift as an evangelist like Timothy, but there are other times that we will operate like Daniel in Nebuchadnezzar’s palace.

Ephesians 2:2 AMP
“In which at one time you walked habitually, you were following the curse and fashion of this world (system, order), where under the sway of the tendency of this present age, following the prince of the power of the air, you were obedient to and under the control of the demon spirit that still constantly works in the sons of disobedience (the careless, the rebellious, and the unbelieving) who goes against the purposes of God.”

Which Mission Field(s) Are You in Now?

Pastor gave several examples of Bible characters and what they could become in today’s society:

  • Joseph: Joseph’s involvement could be categorized in government, family, and the business mountains. He forecasted the nation’s economy with God’s help.

  • Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Daniel: They could be in the government or education mountain.

  • Esther: God’s used her beauty to save a nation.

  • Bezalel (Exodus 31:3): He was filled with the Spirit of God, wisdom, understanding, skill. His art shaped the dialogue of the culture of a nation.

  • Peter, James, John: Fishing industry, canned food industry

  • Matthew: CPA, financial analyst, consultant, stock-broker

  • Thomas: Research & Development

  • Lydia: Dealer in fabrics dyed in purple, used only by royalty and the wealthy, supported Paul’s ministry, economist, banker

  • Luke: Luke was a physician. Nowadays, could he be working in FDA or NIH

  • Ezra: Ezra was a scribe, a writer (Nehemiah 8:4), Media (tool for truth-telling) mountain as a journalist or work in the printing industry

  • God uses everyone! In 2 Kings 17, a servant girl helped Naman to cure his leprosy.

  • The Centurion: Matthew 5, Centurion, a Roman Army Officer with 6,000 soldiers under him—a man of influence. His name was never mentioned in the Bible, but Jesus praised his faith because of his understanding of authority.

Wherever we are, we can be involved.

The question is, which mountain do you want to be involved in to proclaim the goodness of the Lord?

There have been deceptions circulating among many people thinking that they cannot do anything. It is just the job of the pastor or certain people and stating, “I cannot operate in the anointing.” That is a lie from the devil. You can be involved to declare the goodness of God.

In the book of Revelation, the #1 tool the devil used is deception. They even have the power to deceive rulers. The devil adapts the deceptions brilliantly depending on the cultural bias of the area. For example, in the Middle East, same-sex relationship is punishable by death, thus the devil does not use same-sex issue as the deception tool there but uses Al Qaeda, the Moslem Brotherhood, terrorism, and Hamas.

So which mission field do you want to be involved in? The Media? Arts? Education? or other?

What if the media is a mission place? What if your work place is a mission field? What if the business, the government, education is a mission field? Do something that you can disciple nations.

In the Bible, Joseph was a man of dreams and visions. He shared the dream to his brother, was betrayed and thrown into a dry pit, and sold as a slave. Yet Joseph still trusted in the Lord and in the dream, the promises of God. Joseph got framed and went to jail but he still trusted in God’s promises. He Interpreted the dreams of the butler and baker but they forgot about him. If you were Joseph, what would you think? He did his best but was slandered and forgotten. It would be normal to complain but God had a better plan for Joseph. Sometimes, we want a short-cut and we do not want those interruptions that causes delays. Joseph interpreted Pharoah’s dream and Egypt became the land of abundance in the midst of famine, thanks to Joseph. Pharoah had a dream that only Joseph could discern and Joseph forecasted the nation’s economy. He was promoted after that. Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the Babylonian king, a super power of that time. and declared that Daniel’s god was the “God of all gods and Lord of all kings.” Daniel became the king’s most trusted person. Both Daniel and Joseph did not focus on their own dreams. They interpreted other people’s dreams. If you have ears and listen to other people’s dreams and help them succeed, God will promote you.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray that we can develop consistent Bible reading time and to meditate on His Words.

  • Pray that we truly understand what it means to be Ekklesia.

  • Pray for God to reveal what mission field(s)/mountain(s) we are on at this point in our lives, and how we can use our anointing and giftings effectively.

  • Pray against any deception/misconception/misunderstanding/limitation in our way of thinking that can hinder our involvements in our mission fields.

  • Pray for courage, boldness, creativity and wisdom to share God’s goodness in our mission fields.


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